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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

kazi nazrul islam

i am the burning volcano in the bosom of the earth,
i am the wild fire of the woods,
i am Hell's mad terrific sea of wrath!
i ride on the wings of lightning with joy and profundity,
i scatter misery and fear all around,
i bring earth-quakes on this world!

kazi nazrul islam (25 May 1899–29 August 1976) was a bengali poet, musician, revolutionary, and philosopher who pioneered poetic works espousing intense spiritual rebellion against orthodoxy and oppression. his poetry and nationalist activism earned him the popular title of bidrohi kobi (Rebel Poet). accomplishing a large body of acclaimed works through his life, nazrul is officially recognised as the national poet of bangladesh and commemorated in india.

[ learn more about nazrul ]

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